Saturday, September 29, 2012

Does Brother Ed Gardner Stand Alone?

When the American economy sneezes, the African American community catches pneumonia.

But what happens when the American economy catches pneumonia?

In the midst of our presidential election we are bombarded with the tragedy of a national unemployment rate of 8.2%. Of course, when unemployment was 6% or even 5%, there was no national panic concerning urban unemployment that often hovers near 50% for young black men. In a report from the Economic Policy Institute, unemployment for blacks in Chicago stood at 19%, higher than Detroit, and with only Las Vegas and Los Angeles with higher rates (at over 22%), as of July 2011.

Into this gap enters brother Ed Gardner a retired African American business man, now 87 years old. Mr. Gardner, the former President of Soft Sheen Products, whom was recently honored with a street sign by Mayor Emanuel and the City of Chicago, was infuriated when he came across a construction site at 2210 West 95th Street and there were no Black workers. He made quite a ruckus, threatening to "wallow in the wet concrete" until he was talked out of it by Alderman Bookins, Alderman Rugai and several police offices. That, however, did not end his indignation or his intent to do something about it.

As a result of Brother Gardner's fury, he has begun to organize protests of the construction activity, and specifically the lack of African American works, and the latest one, at which we encourage your participation is as follows:

Construction Jobs March and Rally 

Sunday, September 30, 20122:30 pm - Starting from the West corner of 95th Street & Western Ave. The group will walk in unison to 92nd and Western Ave.
3:00 pm - Rally

Please inform yourself on this issue:

See you at 95th & Western!

Kevin Tyson & Daryle Brown
Trinity Justice Watch Team

Monday, September 17, 2012

Register NOW! AND VOTE!


It's that time of the year, when our airwaves are flooded with political messages and candidates are vying for our attention through every media tool ever invented. While billions of dollars are begin spent to convince us how to vote, there are also millions of dollars being spent to keep many of us from voting. 

Did You Know?
  • In Chicago there are over 320,000 eligible voters that are not yet registered?
  • Just on the South Side of Chicago, there are over 125,000 unregistered, eligible voters?
  • Registering is as easy as filling out a form and mailing it inCLICK HERE to register or go to Forms must be delivered or post marked by October 9, 2012.
  • In 10 tightly contested states, there are 12.1 million unregistered, but potentially eligible Latino adults . . . In Florida alone there are 1.4 million.
  • Voter suppression laws have been passed in 14 states, and laws are pending in 8 others . . . Check out this video CLICK HERE.
  • In Florida, more people have been attacked by sharks in the last 4 years (72), than have committed voter fraud (49).
Don't let your rights be stolen. Don't suppress your own vote. This is YOUR country. GET REGISTERED AND VOTE!

Trinity UCC Justice Watch Team

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Genocide By Another Name

Gun violence is probably the most debated issue in the United States. There are numerous calls and petitions for both the right to carry arms as a deterrent to street urban violence, and more strict gun control laws that would prevent "straw gun" purchases. 

For Black America, the fear of gun violence is common place. I would seriously doubt if any Black person that lives in a major city has not personally (or a family member or friend) had  a confrontation with a handgun, either as a victim, or a witness . . . maybe even as a perpetrator. Gun violence in Chicago has fractured communities like never before, to the point where we have become immune and accepting of violence being part of urban culture. 

While some activists correctly place the blame on gangs, drugs, and the economic environment, for the rise in gun violence, we must also look at public policy that has allowed gun manufacturers and merchants to create a Wal-Mart and eBay climate for gun distribution: buy in bulk for more savings, and if you do not qualify, buy through a third party. At some point, we must realize that Black and Latino communities are under siege from gun policies that contribute to an escalating homicide rate and renders our streets unsafe. We are looking at the extermination of a young generation that will know guns better than mathematics. It's time we change public policy to suppress the sales and distribution of handguns and assault weapons, and begin to place more emphasis on deterrents to violence through peaceful means. It is hard to imagine that more guns in the hands of "law-biding citizens" will deter gun violence. The end result of our current approach is a dead community and a dead generation.

In an effort to curb gun violence in our community we have joined with the Faith Community of  St. Sabina, as well as other faith based and community organizations, to demand common sense gun legislation be passed. Please take a few moments to sign this petition to Governor Quinn asking support for legislation that requires handguns be titled like automobiles, and that prohibits the purchase and possession of military style assault weapons. Find out more about this interfaith effort by visiting

Kevin Tyson
Trinity UCC Justice Watch