Saturday, September 29, 2012

Does Brother Ed Gardner Stand Alone?

When the American economy sneezes, the African American community catches pneumonia.

But what happens when the American economy catches pneumonia?

In the midst of our presidential election we are bombarded with the tragedy of a national unemployment rate of 8.2%. Of course, when unemployment was 6% or even 5%, there was no national panic concerning urban unemployment that often hovers near 50% for young black men. In a report from the Economic Policy Institute, unemployment for blacks in Chicago stood at 19%, higher than Detroit, and with only Las Vegas and Los Angeles with higher rates (at over 22%), as of July 2011.

Into this gap enters brother Ed Gardner a retired African American business man, now 87 years old. Mr. Gardner, the former President of Soft Sheen Products, whom was recently honored with a street sign by Mayor Emanuel and the City of Chicago, was infuriated when he came across a construction site at 2210 West 95th Street and there were no Black workers. He made quite a ruckus, threatening to "wallow in the wet concrete" until he was talked out of it by Alderman Bookins, Alderman Rugai and several police offices. That, however, did not end his indignation or his intent to do something about it.

As a result of Brother Gardner's fury, he has begun to organize protests of the construction activity, and specifically the lack of African American works, and the latest one, at which we encourage your participation is as follows:

Construction Jobs March and Rally 

Sunday, September 30, 20122:30 pm - Starting from the West corner of 95th Street & Western Ave. The group will walk in unison to 92nd and Western Ave.
3:00 pm - Rally

Please inform yourself on this issue:

See you at 95th & Western!

Kevin Tyson & Daryle Brown
Trinity Justice Watch Team

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