Sunday, March 10, 2013

Prayer for Our Family in Kenya


Building relationships across the Diaspora means more than merely traveling to enjoy the sights, sound, and food of our ancestral beginnings in the Motherland. Here at Trinity UCC, we strive to maintain a connection that puts our eyes and ears to the ground so that our prayers and thoughts are consistently and constantly lifted up for the empowerment and uplifting of our distant families. Sometimes, this also occurs through the building of relationships through various advocacy organizations who actually do great work in the various regions of Africa where support and edification is needed the most.

The Mombasa Relief Initiative (“MRI”) is one of those such organizations as they have made it their mission to support the children of Mombasa in three key areas: education, economic development, and health. 

During their annual trip to Kenya, they recently reported on the challenges of the election cycle this year. It is through this report, that I have been stirred to request of our congregation that we lift our voices and open our hearts in prayer for the safety and stability of our sister-nation of Kenya. The clip below, from a Reuters report, provides a bit more detail of the situation: 

NAIROBI/MOMBASA, Kenya (Reuters) - At least 15 people were killed in attacks by machete-wielding gangs on Monday as Kenyans lined up to vote in a presidential election they hope will rebuild the nation's image after a disputed 2007 poll unleashed weeks of tribal bloodshed. Just hours before the start of voting and with long lines across the east African country, at least nine security officers in Kenya's restive coastal region were hacked to death, and six attackers were also killed, regional police chief Aggrey Adoli said. The total toll had earlier been put at 17 . . .

The struggles of our people across the Diaspora is ongoing, and often logic just doesn't apply. But we do know God! We know that God has the final word. God’s heart will bend to hear the cries for liberation and justice for the people of God. 

In this time of strife, I am asking each of you to join us in prayer for the safety and justice of our extended families in Kenya during this 2013 election cycle.

Lynda Holiday Lawrence
Africa Ministry